
The Palos Verdes Project embodies Willy Gerber's ambitious initiative to transition from his conventional professional life and instead dedicate himself to his passions for research and teaching during his retirement. The essence of this project lies in approaching each phase with a strong commitment: to contribute new knowledge and disseminate it in conjunction with current understanding, with the aim of providing practical applications through online platforms.

In its initial phase, the project focuses on constructing a residence that will serve as both a home and a workspace for research and knowledge dissemination. This versatile space is designed to accommodate various needs, even offering temporary lodging if required.

Once the construction of the house is completed, the restoration of what was once a wetland will commence, with the purpose of conserving, monitoring, studying, and disseminating relevant information to raise public awareness and provide education on this topic. This effort encompasses physical, chemical, and biological aspects and has already piqued the interest of several local scientists.

With the wetland in full operation, the aim is to establish an observatory that will focus on monitoring the wetland, studying the implications of climate change (including physical and economic models), analyzing social behavior (through socio-physical models), and disseminating fascinating topics such as astronomy.

Lastly, there are plans to develop supporting infrastructure for visitors, in the form of a guest house designed to enhance the experience of those who come to the area.

The objectives of this project represent a challenge that depends on the success of the initiative and are conceived more as a long-term vision than necessarily achievable short-term goals.
